1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1 – ||
2 – ||
3 – ||||||||
4 – ||
5 – |||3 takes it.
This is a project that stems out of years of market research. There are 5 note cards; each representing a number, 1 through 5, and each one has a different action written on the reverse.
This project is very simple; you are to vote on which action I should perform – 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Once the votes are tallied at the end of next week, I’ll go out and put the written action in motion.
I’ll give you two of the actions so you can understand the nature of them:
Action 1 (not corresponding to the number 1):
Knock on Wood Station
This action entails setting up a table in a strip mall and handing out various pieces of scrap wood ranging in size from very small blocks (~ 2”x 2”), the personal size, to larger pieces of scrap wood (~ 12”x 15” x 1.75”), The Mega Knock. The intent is to give folks the option to always knock on wood in warding off negative outcomes when making a future-statement.
If s/he is making a large prediction and desires a very favorable outcome, s/he would require a larger piece of wood, possibly the largest. Those who are making several smaller predictions, wishing several positive outcomes, would be concealed into getting one of the smaller blocks (the personal size). Basically, the larger the piece of wood the bigger the future-statement, thus requiring more wood to knock on for the most favorable of outcomes.
Example: Visitor says, “I just got into a car accident a few weeks ago and it scared the b’jesus out of me. That’ll never happen to me again, I swear. Knock on wood.” This individual would require a medium size piece of wood for their future-statement.
This project was brought to you in a collaboration between me and Judy Prays; and will be executed in such a manner.
Action 2 (not corresponding to the number 2):
I’ll go to the local convenience store and spend two solid hours hanging about the soda fountain (i.e. where you would fill up your Big Gulp if you went to 7-11). I would somehow document my experiences.
That’s it, let the voting begin!!
(please place your votes in the comment section of this blog – 1,2,3,4, or 5)
Filed under intss blog by on Aug 26th, 2005. Comment.
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Comments on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
As much as I like number 1, number 2 really appeals to my anthropological love of observing people going about their ordinary business. Thus, number 2 gets my vote.
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thats the last time i share my good ideas with you. stealing from someone who works for you for free?? What would glenn say? Probably, “thats so funny!”
ok fine, he’s not an idea stealer. he’s a post it note stealer. But in a robin hood sort of way.
I choose #5…because he(?) looks lonely.
Did the spam come before or after word verification? Of course my curiousity led me to click every link…I’m such a sucker.
Oh comment spam! How you’ve accelarated your readabilty! It is as if you are fleshy and feeling when oh but no! Will it be deleted? Is it poetic for an automatically generated voice that thinks your articles are Supercool! to also think treadmills are supercool? It loves what is like itself.
I think it should be deleted. The chinese astrology comment is as good as dying horribly.
Check out my rad awesome totally relavent content site about deletion if you’ve got some time.
I vote for number 3 because:
Make mine #1, a far-left pinko number.
I choose ….!!5!!
I like 3 it has curves like me!
Since I am a middle-of-the-road, paralyzed-by-indecision moderate, I’ll pick 3. Wait, it seems most people here like 2, so maybe they know better than I do. But what about 4? Is 4 hiding something?
I’m just going to have to stick with 3!
I’ll have to take curtain number 3 (my lucky number, knock on a medium-sized piece of wood).
Hmm…curves are fun. I’m curvy so #3! 🙂
Like you could know most people would go for 3. I would too. But lets not do that, you probebly gave yourself a realy awsome job to do on 3! And of course you can do something realy nice. But just let it be nr 1.
Why? I’m not curvey.