March 20, 2006
Finally Caught on Video, A Mosquito (hawk) Having Sex!
Filed under 037 Video, Amazing Finds, intss blog by on Mar 20th, 2006. Comment.
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Filed under 037 Video, Amazing Finds, intss blog by Marc Horowitz on Mar 20th, 2006. Comment.
Comments on Finally Caught on Video, A Mosquito (hawk) Having Sex!
Hmmm … I can only see one mosquito in your video which lead me to suspect that the mosquit you’ve caught on film is somewhat of a wanker …
Hmmm … I can only see one mosquito in your video which lead me to suspect that the mosquito you’ve caught on film is somewhat of a wanker …
and I need to proofread my comments befor submitting them …
Did you know that the Chinese actually eat mosquito eyes – actually quite a delicacy! Apparently, they obtain them from bats -you see bats eat mosquitos but the eyes are indigestable to the bat and therefore remain in the shit (for want of a better word!). Therefore, your intrepid top Chinese chef only has to locate bat droppings and hey presto!
It makes me wonder how, why and when the 1st person thought of this! Bon Apetite!
I enjoyed the pix, it is ok.
Please iwould like to get some free pix in my box.