Another Innovative Idea for the “People on the Go”
I got this awesome paper cup envelope thing with some aspirin I bought at a convenience store. The advertising/ text is the best part.
Very inspiring! Here are some more (interpretive) ideas for “Another Innovative Idea for the ‘People on the Go’ ”
Hunt for your Own Food Grocery Store Chain – You’re given either a crossbow, rifle, shotgun, knife, or handgun to go and hunt for your own food. Some is prepackaged, some is not.
Prefabricated Love Letter Service Center or P.L.L.S.C – A place where you can go to get a love letter tailored to your needs. For a little extra, you can get a tape or CD with a love song on it that must be played when the letter is read.
Canoe trips through Moscow – Being towed through the streets of Moscow by a car while you sit in a canoe. I believe this would really bolster tourism in Russia anytime of the year.
The Brick Helicopter – See previous post.
If you have any ideas for people on the go, leave em in a comment!
[tags]paper cup aspirin convenience store brick helicopter canoe trips Moscow love letter grocery store hunting marc horowitz[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on May 9th, 2007. Comment.
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Comments on Another Innovative Idea for the “People on the Go”
Another useful thing: put tape over the opposite side of pop-top convenience soups before you snap the cover off. It stops it from splashing soup everywhere, and we all know splashed soup is not convenient.
Maybe not for the person on the go but rather for the person who has to go: A toushie messaging toilet seat. You can tingle while you tinkle.
Giant post-it notes for those who cant fit everything on the small ones that are only getting sold even smaller. As well you can cover the walls with them and doodle across them or let the kids loose on them without ruining the wallpaper. Who needs a babysitter when you have giant post-it notes?