March 17, 2006
Is this legal? Am I in Legal Trouble? Always a Question.
I just recieved this letter in an e-mail from The Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Hell, they show movies there every Friday and make a mint, and people get wasted and run all over the tombstones. This has so much less impact and has never made me a dime.
Filed under 037 Video, intss blog by on Mar 17th, 2006. Comment.
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Comments on Is this legal? Am I in Legal Trouble? Always a Question.
Jack Flibb @ 8:28 pm
I know that if the general public is able have regular access to a piece of even private property then it’s okay to photograph there (and so probably to film) — A good example of this is a mall. Now, they can of course refuse to let you on that piece of semi-public property but strangely enough you can only be busted for trespassing if you go on running around snapping photos.
This all assumes that the published photos constitute editorial use (newspapers, textbooks). I’m not sure if ‘art’ is considered editorial use, but you’re probably pretty safe here. You’re not using the film to promote a product or misrepresent the cemetary.
I would have your lawyer contact them. Doesn’t necessarily have to be a lawyer you’d take to trial — I’m sure you have friends with law degrees.
Also, check out the EFF website for a blogger’s rights fact check. You may even be able to get some free legal advice from the EFF. Probably not a big deal though.
All that aside, congratulations — this is a big step!