August 9, 2005
My new reality show: ?Questions?
Click here to watch the premier episode of ?Questions?!!
Please submit your questions for ?Questions? in the comments section of this posting; I’ll then go out and ask total strangers your questions in subsequent episodes. This’ll be fun as I’m traveling around!
see ya.
You’ll need Quicktime to view this and the other movies. It’s a free download.
if you have a pc visit to download
and if you have a mac visit to download
Filed under intss blog by on Aug 9th, 2005. Comment.
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Comments on My new reality show: ?Questions?
would you rather have everything you eat be delicious or have amazing dreams every night?
Would you rather have everything you dream be delicious or have an amazing eat every night?…..Would you rather have everything be amazing or eat delicious dreams?Hmmmmmmmmm……
Okay….I think I got it right this time….If you could put your finger into anyone’s belly button (dead or alive) who would it be? And why?
That last question does not mean that you would have to exhume any bodies….I mean if they were still alive.
You are seated in the economy section of a long distance airline flight. Next to you is an overweight man who, having fallen asleep, is increasingly leaning his considerable bodyweight on you and therefore pushing you up uncomfortably against the fuselage of the plane.
What do you do?
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
Do you think the gerriatric diapers are an injustice to our elderly? Who invented them? Would you like to go on a shopping spree with me?
HEY i was co-creator on this show!