Another Night in the Hills
Ladies and Gentleman…grab some popcorn or a hot dog and gather round…what you are about to witness has never been performed before…EVER!!
…This evening, Marc Horowitz will pull a rope that runs up through a pulley and across to the top rung of a 15′ ladder where an oilcan wrapped in a pillow is tied. He will then give the rope a tug and the mass from above will speedily descend and hit his side with full-force. Ouch! As a trained professional he will amazingly remain calm and expressionless. Keep in mind this is only a test run for next week’s experiment, where Marc will replace the oilcan-pillow combo with a 10 pound bag of flour! What a spectacle! A must see! Get your tickets tonight and prepare yourself for the most acclaimed event of the year!
Now returning to your regularly scheduled program…
Filed under intss blog by on Apr 27th, 2005.
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