I’m always impressed with those goofy catalogues you get on the plane. Not only are the products incredibly life enhancing but the photography is out of this world. I would’ve loved to have sat in on this photo shoot. What that must have been like?
Art Director turns to group and says:
“Yeah, get rid of the short haired cat and get me a Siamese dammit, they always look more sophisticated and sell more product. Can’t anyone make that white fluffball look more alive and less taxidermied? We need happy pets people, do it, do it now! Come on, these furballs are on the clock – let’s move! Where’s that last Polaroid and who the hell put cream in my coffee, you ALL know I take it black?”
Filed under Amazing Finds, intss blog by on Jun 30th, 2005. Comment.
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Comments on Skymall
My all-time favorite skymall product was the “Hot Diggity-Dogger!”, a toaster for 2 hot dogs and two buns. Classic!
For more details, you are welcome to visit my “public service” blog on the topic, which provides more details on the shocking experience we suffered at Riverbend Inn in Niagara on the Lake, Ontario