Hurray for Shop Dropping!
I was in a great article in CNN Money (they mention my project at the end of the article – see below). A merry prankster?
Some shop droppers are just merry pranksters. Photographer Marc Horowitz was shooting pictures for a Crate & Barrel catalogue and wrote “Dinner with Marc,” followed by his home phone number, onto a dry erase board built into a piece of furniture he was photographing. The scribble was meant to make the shot seem more realistic, so imagine Horowitz’s surprise when he was subsequently deluged with phone calls from catalogue recipients looking to make dinner plans.
Horowitz couldn’t resist turning it into a project and launched his “National Dinner Tour,” in which he is driving around the country and having dinner with people who responded to his ad. Horowitz has been chronicling his adventures on his web log and is currently putting together a TV show about his high jinks, which he is shopping around to networks, according to his web log.
Click here to read the full article.
Definition of jinks: 1. A quick, evasive turn. 2. Rambunctious play; frolic.
Lastly, A big Thank you to Robert Smith at Wan Security for hosting my site probono for the last two years. His service is unmatched and his talent is as well. If you are looking for good web-hosting at a good rate, please click here to visit his site or click here to send him an e-mail telling him what kind of hosting you need. Support small business!
Filed under 002 National Dinner Tour, intss blog by on Jul 21st, 2005. Comment.
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Comments on Hurray for Shop Dropping!
“merry prankster”?? they make you sound like Oliver Twist or something. Not my first choice in describing you but then again what do I know? I liked the brain diagram which has prompted me to ask the most obvious question, why are you drinking celery soda?