I want to protest this
Hello, “JOSEPH.” I appreciate your eagerness to sell me nicotine patches and box fan, but this wasteful receipt is not helping.
What is the point? All those things on there – the date twice, weird equations, things to do, a “Finnegan’s Wake” passage. When has it been so ok for receipts to get so long? We need to stand up and fight for a shorter receipt. Item. Price. End. If you are interested, send me an e-mail at marc at ineedtostopsoon dot com and we can organize a national protest for a shorter receipt. How’s May 17th sound? I think that’s a Thursday.
Together we are a non-refundable purchase.
[tags]walgreens marc horowitz protest shorter receipt long information save trees[/tags]
Filed under Amazing Finds, intss blog by on Apr 26th, 2007. Comment.
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Comments on I want to protest this
best thing to do is rip off what you dont need and leave it at the store. and hispanics…LEARN ENGLISH ALREADY!!! I HAD TO!
The only time I’ve seen a reciept that long, was doing the Christmas shopping all in one day!
This…this is just insane!
Where is Carroll Avenue?
i know. this bugs the fuck out of me. i was just going through all of my receipts, doing my taxes in a fashionably late manner, and I ended up cutting off all of the extra from the Staples reciepts so I could recycle it. I have to admit, it was strangely gratifying.