July 31, 2006
My Ticket to Financial Freedom!
This is just one of my newest farm animal-vegitable hybrid creations. I also have the carracow (half cow half carrot) and the lechelamb (half lamb half leche fruit). Look for me in the papers! I’m gonna get seven jets and a remote controlled bear skin rug!
[tags]roostapotata, animal, rooster, potato, awesome, cow, carrot[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Jul 31st, 2006. Comment.
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Comments on My Ticket to Financial Freedom!
i would like to see the carracow and the lechelamb. As a vegan this I was also thinking you could do the vegetables with animal parts. Like the multistalked girafelery and the twinning snakepod, the noxious sharkweed, the beautiful dicidious butterfly tree. That’s fun! Don’t stop ever!