May 10, 2005
The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson
I just got invited to be on the The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson! This is very exciting news over here at the National Dinner Tour Headquarters/ my RV.
Keep an eye out on Friday, June 17th!!
Any suggestions on what I should do on the show?
Filed under 002 National Dinner Tour, Events, intss blog by on May 10th, 2005. Comment.
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Comments on The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson
I think you and Craig should cook something together, something that can be made in a quantity big enough for the audience and then feed them all. Or You and Craig should compete in a waffle battle.
Hey, please please please say something along the lines of, “Congratulations, Boot and Stacy has baby!” or something like that…Please please! It’ll shock the socks off my wife!
And I agree with mugsy, a waffle battle would be awesome, espacially if you threw them at each other while they were covered in the usual waffle condiments, although, that syrup may get awesomely messy.
Hey, I could make you a a guitar out of waffles, althogh it’s playability may be questionable, I’ll garauntee you no one has ever seen one. If you’d like I will and can make a waffle guitar, life size…man, a guitar never tasted so good!
Howdy Marc,
Why don’t you just have dinner with him, right there on the show? Isn’t that the whole point? Do the entire interview sitting at a dinner table.
Craig Ferguson cracks me up. He’ll be into it. I won’t miss that. He’s my favorite late-night show.
Also, don’t forget my invitation to eat, swill and pass out here in Denver, when you finally make it down this way (we spoke late last year).
I’ll be looking forward to your visit, and we’ll leave the tap on for ya’.
Enjoy… John
I would love to see a demonstration of a TP Tornado in action!
Just say my name…..once